Being An Integral Part of Our Community’s Success

Written by Matt Clement
June 12, 2017
Our mission statement here at Nxtbook Media is “Exist to Inspire”. In more intricate terms, this means “We exist to inspire our community to realize its full creative potential. We embrace the fact that we are an integral part of our community’s success and will passionately support them to that end.”
I always thought “Exist to Inspire” meant leading the charge but sometimes, as our more specific mission statement expresses, it means heeding the call to use our talents to support our community. This is what we aimed for when our Impact Strategist, Scott Charney, brought State Representative Mike Sturla’s 6th Annual Back to School Give Away Event to our attention. The Give Away annually donates 4,000 backpacks to children in the Lancaster City School District and provides them with necessary clothing like uniforms and shoes. Obviously, these donations make a tremendous impact on the morale of families struggling to get by, as well as help students start off on the right foot in the fall.
Working closely with the Lancaster Recreation Commission and Representative Mike Sturla’s office, we donated our design services and branding expertise to design two flyers and a digitally optimized Nxtbook to raise awareness and promote the event.
The flyers were designed with specific audiences in mind; one to be handed out to kids in schools and taken home to parents, while the second was to be disseminated to the general public to assist in raising donations.
The digital component of the project and overall strategy is fully formed in the optimized Nxtbook, which contains more detailed information about the event, sponsors, volunteer opportunities, and photos from the previous year’s giveaways. It can easily be shared to promote the event online and can be seen in the link below.
At the end of the day, being a part of the community is inspiring in itself. When you realize that you are surrounded by people and organizations who are actively working to make our part of the world a better place, you can’t help but want to be a part of that too. Nxtbook Media is proud and excited to support State Representative Mike Sturla’s 6th Annual Backpack Give Away.
Additionally, it’s great to get awesome feedback from the people you work with:
“The digital booklet looks great! It is such a professional and polished way to share the event with our target audiences. It’s easily identifiable as an event for children without looking too “kiddie.” The two flyers that were created flow with the digital booklet and look cohesive and clean. The Nxtbook Team had the challenge of helping us rebrand an event and they exceeded our expectations! They have been a huge asset to us in our planning.”
-Heather Hannon, Director of Marketing, Lancaster Recreation Commission
Click here to donate to the Give Away
If you would like to find out more about how you can work with our design team to create one of kind digital content, click here!
Furthermore, you can find out about our strategic branding services here: