Disney’s PageRaft Success Story
Today’s Digital Landscape
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape consumers face a constant media bombardment – videos, music, podcasts, ads, images. Since the advent of smartphones, this has only increased. Now, 5G technology is fast approaching and mobile devices will let us experience even more content anywhere and at any time.
Data trends show the average person already spends 69% of their media time on smartphones. Additionally, consumers have twice as much interaction with brands via mobile than anywhere else, including TV and in-store. Chances are if you’re creating any form of digital content, a growing number of your readers are accessing it through their mobile devices.
With this in mind, we’d like to share our partnership with Disney. We’ll highlight the success they’ve had delivering a responsive and engaging mobile-first experience with our PageRaft platform.
The Need for Engaging Mobile Content
Disney Files is a quarterly magazine published exclusively for Disney Vacation Club members. Prior to the Fall 2018 issue, the publication was available digitally as a PDF.
However, this format provided readers with a lackluster digital experience, specifically on mobile devices, as PDFs do not reflow content in order to fit mobile screens. Because of this, Disney felt the magazine fell short of the quality experiences their brand is known for.
They also knew their publication faced another major problem, the need for their content to stand out among all of today’s digital noise. They needed more than just a website, where they could perhaps garner a minute of attention. Disney was looking to provide their readers with an engaging experience that definitively impacted their audiences.
With all this in mind, they decided to partner with the Nxtbook team to offer Disney Files via our PageRaft platform.
Our Digital Content Solution
PageRaft has helped Disney deliver a fast, deeply engaging experience to readers. But most importantly, PageRaft is responsive and hence delivers a tremendous experience no matter what device you are on. In the video below, we’ll quickly demo how Disney Files reads on a desktop.
PageRaft quickly responds to changes in window size while cleanly maintaining a publication’s look and providing the natural feel of reading print. However, Disney moved to PageRaft for more than an improved desktop experience. They saw the value of a mobile-first platform.
We’ve shown you how PageRaft works on a desktop, but in the video below we’ll briefly demo how Disney Files (or any PageRaft publication for that matter) looks and feels on mobile.
Easy navigation tools. High-quality pop-out images. No need to constantly pinch or expand the screen. It’s no surprise readers engage with Disney Files for an average of 6 minutes per session.
Regardless if you’re a large brand, a small marketing team, or a publisher, you value your content. And hopefully, like Disney, you understand the need to create meaningful experiences with your content. With PageRaft, you can feel safe knowing you’re delivering an experience that drives deep engagement with your readers and customers.
If you’d like to see how our digital solutions can help your brand connect deeply and engage meaningfully, we’d love to hear from you. Click the button below for a personalized, no strings attached demo from one of our partnership specialists.