nxtbook4.4 Released | Features a Reimagined CMS

Matt Berringer Headshot

Written by Matt Berringer

December 15, 2020

Check this out!

That’s right! We have refreshed the nxtbook4 content management system (CMS) with an updated look, provided more intuitive and efficient workflows, and made it easier to access the myriad of features that make the nxtbook4 platform so powerful.

Here are a few benefits of the new release:

Create Projects in 1-2-3

Nxtbook4.4 helps you create projects more rapidly than ever before.

  1. Just click +New Project.
  2. Upload a PDF file.
  3. Give your project a name.

That’s it!

Quickly Preview Your Work

View a working sample of your project directly on the Status page for each project, and easily launch the staging version as well.

Organize Your Library with Ease

When you start to get a lot of projects under your belt, you’ll be able to search and organize them all more easily within our Library Manager. Use Group folders within a Library to better organize all of those projects, or spread out and create a whole new Library for entirely separate projects.

We can’t wait for new partners and existing ones to dive in and get productive using the new nxtbook4 CMS. The best part is that it’s only going to keep getting better! We’re working on a lot more for 2021!

Check It Out

We’re excited about this release and we’d love to show it to you. It’s available right now to existing customers. Not a customer yet? Contact us to take a look today!


→ Grab the Ultimate Guide to Digital Publishing in 2021
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