Are You Part of the Mobile App Economy?
September 9, 2014
Originally posted by Steph Tiley of Nxtbook Media on LinkedIn. See original article here.
Considering all that has changed in less than 20 years, I wonder how I ever managed to make arrangements to meet friends, collect the kids, keep in touch with family or seal a business deal without my ever-present, ever-handy phone. Before now, I didn’t suffer from ‘nomophobia’ – the fear of being without your mobile phone – but I certainly might today! And I am not alone: more than 50% of the nation now claims to suffer from this new phobia, and I admit, I understand why!
Have you ever left home and had that sudden feeling of panic that you’ve forgotten something? “OMG I’ve not got my mobile phone!” is more likely the first fear-filled thought that comes to mind before all other question like “have I locked the house” or “have I picked up my lunch” or “do I need my coat today?” Our mobile phone has rapidly become an email device, camera, video, games console, twitter dashboard, social network controller and platform for all our apps – all rolled into one. In fact, yes of course we could live without our mobile phone; it is just a convenient tool to make our lives a little easier, especially in this fast paced digital world and today is all about tools, devices and now apps to do just this.
Research suggests that habits form in 21 days, so if you complete a 21 day sugar detox, after 3 weeks the perpetual sugar craving will disappear. You will have more energy and brain clarity. I wonder if 21 days without a phone would bring about similar results and would we no longer be dependent on our phones?
But then there are definite advantages to the mobile phone which would stop someone from wanting to detox from it. It has evolved as a tool of convenience over the years, and with that evolution came the ‘App.’ Your clients and customers today are constantly on the go and they’re using apps on their phones, tablets and other mobile devices to enable them to stay connected and access all the information that they need. And this is just the very reason why Apps are so much more important in the work place and business world today. They allow your clients and customers to have all of your company’s information at their fingertips, wherever they may be, allowing business to take place at any place and time, rather than just in the office during office hours.
No matter what your business is, an App can help you retain as well as gain new business and that’s a fact! We all know and it is well researched that the first place customers and clients go to service for a product or service is online. If you have a presence online as well as having an App that users can download to their devices, your business will not only be more accessible, but will also be seen as being very innovative, moving with the times and digitally out in front of your competition.
Benefits of Apps for a Business:
Build loyalty
Reinforce your brand
Increase your visibility
Increase your accessibility
Increase sell through
Increase exposure across mobile devices
Connect with ‘on the go’ customers and clients
These are just a few examples of recognized benefits, and as you can see, the benefits to your company are huge. But there are also huge benefits for your customers, too. Mainly they have easy access to your inventory and one touch access to your contact details.
Not only is an App a cool marketing tool allowing you to make statements like ‘Visit our website to download our FREE App,’ which in turn will get customers to return to your website, but it will allow you to engage with your customers and clients in a whole new way and wherever they are in the world.
Go mobile with the app to grow!